Home Investing Autumn arrives earlier than ever for Starbucks and others with pumpkin menu items

Autumn arrives earlier than ever for Starbucks and others with pumpkin menu items


With Autumn 2020 already being an unpredictable year, it appears that Starbucks and other coffee chains are looking to get a jump on the Pumpkin season by making their pumpkin menu items available earlier than ever. Starbucks has already rolled out its iconic Pumpkin Spice Latte, launching it a full month earlier than last year. It has also introduced a new Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew and a new pumpkin-flavored biscotti. Other coffee chains have followed suit, offering their own takes on the pumpkin-flavored beverage, from Dunkin’s Pumpkin Spice Latte to Caribou Coffee’s returning fan-favorite Pumpkin White Chocolate Mocha.

It is unclear at this point if the early launch of pumpkin menu items will be met with the same level of enthusiasm and popularity as years prior, but many coffee chains are hoping that offering these seasonal favorites sooner will create more buzz and help offset some of the sales losses that have resulted from reduced foot traffic due to the pandemic. For consumers, the early arrival of the pumpkin menu items present the chance to enjoy a bit of seasonal flavor and fun a little earlier in the year, and will hopefully provide some comfort and joy during a difficult year.

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