Home Editor's Pick Surging Adoptions, Unsupporting BUSDs, Winning Cases and 20 Crypto Jokes

Surging Adoptions, Unsupporting BUSDs, Winning Cases and 20 Crypto Jokes


1.Q: What did the blockchain investor say when he found a rare crypto token?
A: I’m in a crypto nirvana!

2.Q: What do crypto miners shout when they find Bitcoin?
A: To the moon!

3.Q: What do you call a crypto currency that never decreases in value?
A: Satoshis of course!

4.Q: What did the former Wall Streeter say when he switched to crypto trading?
A: Goodbye corporate world, hello crypto world!

5.Q: What did the blockchain enthusiast say when he finished setting up his wallet?
A: I’m now blockchain enabled!

6.Q: What did the banker say when the judge ordered an adoption?
A: This is one transaction I’m happy to process!

7.Q: What do BUSDs (Bureau of Unsupportive Districts) say when faced with surging adoption rates?
A: Oh, no, not again!

8.Q: What did the lawyer say when his client won their case?
A: Winning today, paying me tomorrow!

9.Q: What did the crypto trader say when the prices tumbled?
A: HODL on…the bears won’t last forever!

10.Q: What did the blockchain investor say when their portfolio doubled?
A: Crypto unleashed the power of my wallet!

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