Home Editor's Pick Unverified ETF, Legaled FTX, Blamed SEC and 20 Crypto Jokes

Unverified ETF, Legaled FTX, Blamed SEC and 20 Crypto Jokes


1. Q: What did the crypto trader say when he saw the fee for the unverified ETF?
A: That fee is out of this world!

2. Q: What did the trader at FTX realize when he saw how quickly the fee was changing?
A: This fee is too volatile!

3. Q: Why did the SEC blame the crypto trading platform?
A: Because it was not following the regulations!

4. Q: What did the crypto trader do when he was feeling down about the markets?
A: He laughed and said, “At least I have my crypto jokes!”

5. Q: What did the Bitcoin believer say when prices went up?
A: HODL, Baby, HODL!

6. Q: What did the altcoin trader say when she heard Ethereum was up?
A: ETH de rally!

7. Q: How does the blockchain work?
A: Like a charm!

8. Q: What did the new crypto investor say when he wanted to buy some Bitcoin?
A: Put your money where your mouth is!

9. Q: What did the crypto trader say when he heard about the latest pump and dump?
A: Don’t get too bullish, the whales could dump anytime!

10. Q: What did Bitcoin say when he saw his buddy Ethereum?
A: Hey, Ether, what’s the craic?

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