The famous British actor Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson, both stars of the Harry Potter movie franchise, have been embroiled in a dispute with a top executive from the blockchain and cryptocurrency start-up Ripple over home renovation plans in London.
The dispute began when Ripple executive Christopher Larsen and his wife Lyna Lam proposed a home renovation plan that involved building a terrace and a few alterations to a period building that they own in London’s Hampstead Village.
Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson are two of the more vocal objectors to the development plan as they both live in close proximity to the building that the Larsen’s plan to radically reconstruct.
They have both held protests outside Ripple’s office to oppose the Larsen’s plans. They have also released public statements and posted messages on their social media accounts in an attempt to gain popular support for their grievances.
The dispute still remains unresolved and despite attempts to halt the proposal through protests and public statements it is possible that the Larsen’s will be successful in their plans.
It remains to be seen how the dispute unfolds through the course of this year.