Home Economy No Labels preps playbook to select presidential candidates, broaden support

No Labels preps playbook to select presidential candidates, broaden support


Labels, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing bipartisanship and collaboration in American politics, is committed to helping the nation select presidential candidates who have the potential to engage and win the broadest possible coalition of support. To this end, Labels has released its “Preparing for Presidency Playbook,” a comprehensive guide to help aspiring presidents and their supporters make informed and strategic decisions throughout the election process.

The Playbook offers voters guidance on how to evaluate a candidate’s qualifications, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as thoughtful advice for how to support the right candidates, win over undecided voters, and broaden the support base for each. The Playbook also dives into mental wellness and self-care strategies for those involved in the election and encourages candidates to seek out feedback and advice from experienced political strategists.

In short, Labels’ “Preparing for the Presidency Playbook” seeks to foster quality dialogue, stress-free campaigning, and sustainable success throughout the 2020 election cycle and beyond. With the Playbook, Labels offers a comprehensive guide for the nation’s presidential candidates—and those who support them—to select the best possible candidates and broaden their support.

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